Accrediting pharmacy programs ensure that graduates are ‘suitably trained and qualified’.
We accredit programs by reviewing them to confirm that they meet clear, evidence-based standards. This ensures that program graduates can practise pharmacy safely and effectively.
The APC accredits:
21 pharmacy degree programs providers
7 intern training programs
5 CPD accrediting organisations
In 2020-2021, 3 degree programs, 4 ITPs, and 5 CPD accrediting organisations underwent the re-accreditation process.
Snapshot data
Number of of APC meetings held
Number of accreditation matters considered
Number of ITP Liaison Group meetings held
Where are the accredited degree programs?
Who makes the decisions?
The Accreditation Committee met several times during the year to make accreditation decisions about pharmacy degree programs, Intern Training Programs (ITPs) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) accrediting organisations. The committee ensures the continual delivery of high-quality pharmacy training.
How do we accredit degree and intern training programs?
A Site Evaluation Team (SET) is an experienced team of people that we appoint to assess pharmacy programs against our accreditation standards. The audit includes a written submission and a visit from the SET to discuss the program. The SET prepares a report of their findings, which the Accreditation Committee uses when they make their final accreditation decision.
SETs include qualified and experienced pharmacy academics and practitioners.
We run an expression of interest process every three years to identify suitably qualified and experienced individuals for our SET Member Register.
How do we monitor accredited programs?
Our accreditation processes are cyclical, with degree programs able to be accredited for a maximum of 6 years and ITPs for a maximum of 3 years.
During the accreditation cycle, we monitor programs using mechanisms including:
- conditions
- monitoring
- annual reporting
- formal/informal feedback.
Annual reporting this year has included specific reporting on how pharmacy programs are responding to the pandemic. With closed international borders, restrictions within states, increased online and blended learning models and adaptations to clinical placements, there has been a need for flexibility in program delivery. Our team has been available to support education providers to continue to meet the accreditation standards during this time.