Year at a glance
For 40 years the Australian Pharmacy Council has been the premier national accreditation authority for pharmacy education and training.
Improving Indigenous Health Outcomes
- The Literature Review | Embedding cultural safety in pharmacy education and assessments was released in August 2021.
- We delivered a series of webinars on cultural safety commencing September 2021 Cultural safety in pharmacy education | Podcasts and webinars.
- We officially launched our Reconciliation Action Plan in November 2021
- Launched the Leaders in Indigenous Pharmacy Profession Education (LIPPE) Network in May this year.
National and International Collaboration
- We continued our collaborations with our partners in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme, particularly with the Pharmacy Board of Australia.
- Our leadership role within the Health Professions Accreditation Collaborative Forum was maintained and we commenced stage 2 of the Interprofessional Education project.
- As an active part of the Australian Pharmacy Leaders Forum (APLF) we collaborated with other peak pharmacy bodies on issues of workforce.
- Our international reach was maintained despite closed borders, including increased involvement in the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) and the Global Forum on Quality Assurance in CE/CPD.
Contributing to Pharmacy Education
- We developed a set Workplace-based assessment for intern pharmacists to help supervisors and preceptors in the work they do to train interns and to provide confidence in the decisions they make around intern competency.
- We presented our work at national and international conferences.
Putting People First
- Our highest priority has been to continue to keep our candidates, stakeholders and staff safe during the COVID-19 pandemic and the nation’s transition to ‘Covid-normal’ conditions.
- In July 2021 Pharmacy included on the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL), increasing demand for all APC services.
- We established a dedicated Candidate Relationship Team to focus on candidates through their entire journey with APC.
- We designed an animation video as an overview of steps involved in an overseas trained pharmacist becoming a pharmacist in Australia.
- We undertook a complete review the Candidate Portal content and design.
- Following forced changes to working arrangements during Covid, we introduced hybrid working arrangements for staff, to support employee satisfaction, productivity and retention.
Service Delivery
- A big effort by our accreditation team saw 12 of our education providers undergoing reaccreditation in 2021.
- We completed a series of web scans to check if our exam content has been breached and released on the internet.
- Established a new process for exam questions – Pairwise Scaling.
- Decision to phase out the inclusion of case studies and the associated questions in the KAPS exam.
- We have published a number of policies and standards which formalise our processes and candidates’ requirements for obtaining an ‘eligibility check’.
- We participated in the Commonwealth Government skilled migration incentives programs to support overseas trained pharmacists to work in Australia.
- We delivered a positive operating result, supported by increased service demand, and restrained expenditure due to ongoing pandemic restrictions.
By the numbers

20 Program providers delivering Degree programs

6 Intern training programs (ITPs)

4 CPD accrediting organisations
1502 Intern Written Exams (502 remote proctored)
77 CAOP Exams
779 KAPS Exams
1225 Assessment Applications received
140 Pilot 1 Commonwealth Government Migration Incentive Assessments completed
Total number of
examinations attempts